Encounters: The UFO Phenomenon, Exposed!
Encounters - The UFO Phenomenon, Exposed (1995).iso
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Disclaimer : I write this for Renaud Marhic who does not have Internet
access. --
Emmanuel Marin
The Ummo case : UFO manipulation in Europe
During January '66, several Spanish citizens from Madrid received
anonymous letters mailed from Spain, but also from all over the world:
Australia, Canada, Switzerland, West-Berlin, etc...
These letters, which never mentioned the adress of the sender, carried
the following stamp :
This is the stamp of a so-called "Unified government of the planet
Ummo", and the letters were signed by a so-called "extraterrestrial
expeditionary group" on a mission on Earth, and especially in Spain.
The most important characteristic of these letters was that they
contained, amongst unverifiable scientific topics, lots of clearly
anti-Franco, anti-American, pro-communist statements.
Some letters from Ummo (Ummo case consists of thousands of letters !)
had been brought to the attention of the Spanish population thanks to
the Spanish press, radio and TV, and to the recipients. Some of them
wrote books dealing with Ummo:
"Ummo : Another Inhabited Planet" Fernando Sesma, 1967
"Looking Toward The Edge Of The Universe" Father Enrique Lopez
Guerrero, 1968
"The Ummo Mystery" Antonio Ribera, 1975
The recipients had also created an association called ERIDANI,
in order to study the Ummo case.
After 1975 and Franco's death, the letters were rarer, but they
continued to denounce the USA, capitalism, American military policy,
etc... Since the eighties, some Spanish and French ufologists have
strongly suspected that Ummo was a political manipulation and that
Mr. Jose Luis Jordan Pena, the chairman of ERIDANI (!), was the
principal author of the mystification. But he strongly denied it.
In April '93, Mr. Jose Luis Jordan Pena admitted for the very first
time his guilt. He made the following statement to some Spanish
journalists and ufologists :
"I am the man who has written the letters from Ummo."
But he absolutely refused to talk about his motive, his goals, and
the political aspects of the case. The French UFO network SOS OVNI
has published in its magazine Phenomena some papers about the
political aspects of Ummo and Jose Luis Jordan Pena. An investigator
of SOS OVNI has also published a book titled:
"Ummo Case : The Extraterrestrials Who Came In From The Cold"
Today, the inquiry is still on-going. Here are some of the first
recipients of the letters in Spain (1966):
Fernando Sesma : ufologist and esoterist.
Alicia Araujo : secretary of the USA Embassy
Dionisio Garrido : policeman
Antonio Ribera : journalist and writer
Raphael Farriols : chairman of industry
Here are two typical statements of Ummo :
1966 : "Mr Sesma, you are a man unknown in the scientific
field and in the philosophical field, but you are a courageous
and independant man in a country internationally reputed as
the most backward country in Europe, lead by a dictatorial
government connected with nazi and fascist experiences. Your
country is suffering from the opressions forbiding all
scientific, technological and ideological developments.
All the great intellectuals are in exile or have been punished
with death by the oligarchs like Garcia Lorca."
1987 : "Gorbatchev is clever and honest (...) Marxism is the
best political way (...) AIDS has been created by the US Army."
Any comments from persons knowledgeable in manipulation and
disinformation on the following topics will be appreciated :
-Why Ummo?
-Did Jose Luis Jordan Pena work as an agent of disinformation
for the Soviet Union or for the Spanish communists?
-Did the ex-KGB create the Ummo case for psychological war?
-Has ufology often been manipulated like that ?
Emmanuel Marin
Ed Stewart - egs@netcom.com - | So Man, who here seems principal alone,
"There is | Perhaps acts second to some sphere unknown.
Something Going On!" ,>'?'<, | Touches some wheel, or verges to some goal,
-Salvador Freixedo- ( O O ) | 'Tis but a part we see, and not a whole.
------------------ooOO-(_)-OOoo------- Alexander Pope, Essay on Man -------